December 30, 2012

Time to order Seed Catalogs....

.. and watch the African violet vendor websites for announcements of 2013 plant lists!!!!!
Yippee!    Thoughts of green grass, garden flowers, and fresh salads help us deal with piles of snow and cold winds!


Jennifer said...

Christmas is barely over and already I am thinking about spring and garden catalogues. They warm the gardening soul in the snow filled days of January.

Laurie in Maine said...

When do the 2013 AV varieties get released generally? I've never actively tried to get a "new" variety...they're usually the older been around awhile ones. Guess it doesn't matter much since it'll be May before shipping is safe!
Wonder if there's any interest in a VV project plant?

Debbie S. said...

I think new varieties are 'Introduced' at National??!!?? So, do you have something you are waiting for? :) I just gave 25 blooming violets to the local garden club today! So, it is time to pot up babies, and some are NEW TO ME! :)
OH, a VV plant project would be fun... I thought of starting a 'grow to show' project since it is about the right time to coincide with the spring shows of the 'real clubs'.... ????? If I put one of our old virtual shows online so everyone could see what the end of the 'GtoS' is! ?????