January 7, 2010

My Greys -- 1/10

Final Report on My Greys "Heritage/Handed Down" -- January 2010:
I have had some nice pullets from my greys and the other 'heritage/handed down' hens!
They were nice, sensible chicks, and grew up well.  Matured quickly and butchered into a nice fryer.
The pullets began laying at 3 1/2 months of age.... and have laid well:  approx. 4 eggs per 7 days.
Their eggs sized up quickly from the first smaller sized ones.
    The grey and black ones from 'My Own' eggs are similar/identical.  The speckled ones from 'My Own' eggs are slightly smaller, especially in the head and amount of feathers, possibly in body width.  Other than shape, they seem similar in laying, attitude, and community behavior.  Possible... maybe... the speckled hens are not as happy when the temps drop in the high minus zeros.
    I had saved 3 grey 2008-hatched hens and 4 grey pullets from 2009... but The Fox took a few.  I now have 3 young grey pullets and one older grey hen.  The nice NICE grey rooster survived and has all my future hopes planted on him!
    I also lost one black hen to The Fox, but still have 2 black 2008-hatched hens and 1 black pullet from 2009.  I have 3 speckled 2008-hatched hens and 1 speckled pullet from 2009.  I also kept the speckled 2008-hatched rooster.


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